TOKYO BLOOMは「東京のオアシス」がコンセプトのレストランです。大都会東京にあったモダンなインテリアに草花でいっぱいの店内、花やハーブを使用した料理で癒しを提供します。場所は東京のオフィス街、価格帯はミドル、メインターゲットは20歳から30歳の働く女性です。隔離期間中に家にこもり課題に取り組んだ経験から、仕事帰りやランチタイムにおいしい料理と癒し効果のある植物を手軽に楽しめる空間が求められるのではないかと考えました。元の課題はレストランのブランディングとメニューデザインです。
TOKYO BLOOM is a middle range restaurant where is located in Tokyo, Japan. The concept is "Oasis in Tokyo." The restaurant is full of flowers and modern interior design, and it offers flowery and herbal western dishes. Main target is approximately 20 to 30 years old working women, and the location is situated in the office district. I got the idea that people want to enjoy delicious food and relaxing environment during lunch time and after the work during coronatine. Original assignment was restaurant branding and menu design.
The design theme is modern and flowery. Since the flower interior design decoration and dish make the restaurant special, I created tulip pattern and used purple for the main color palette. For the logo, I used modified Futura, and designed around the word K, B, M, with a frame inspired by flower and dish pattern. Simple layout, margin, and sanserif bring modern feeling to the brand. I also designed the receipt and labels for the to-go boxes, since young woman likes to see the restaurants interior, menu, and label design.
Branding / Layout / Packaging
Fall 2020 / Page Layout Class / 4 weeks
Feminine / Modern
Futura / Soleil / メイリオ / 游ゴシック